So, this is actually a couple weeks old now but I keep forgetting to write it out. You see, I was recently at camp (and a very good friend and I wrote a 50 page comic, but that's a story for another day...) and customarily what people do after camp is go to this nearby town for ice cream on their way home. However, this time when we arrived at the ice cream parlour there was a sign that said closed Sundays. As such, we continued on our way. Now, my father was feeling kinda tired, so we pulled into this little rest area so he and my mom could switch places. They had a visitors centre, which my mom headed towards in search of the bathroom, and a little restaurant, with lo and behold the very same type of ice cream sold at the parlour that had been closed. I pointed this out to my father and we went inside to get some. Once inside, the lady at the till informed us that the only flavour not listed that they had was 'Canadian Moose', my moms favourite. I dunno about anyone out there in internet land, but to me that felt like a God moment. I mean it's nothing huge like shrinking a tumour or protecting me from a storm or anything, but we ended up getting the ice cream we'd all been so looking forward to, and sometimes it's the little things that matter. ^_^
PS: I'll probably post a blog on the actual camping trip later on, it was a really fun week, and a great getaway from life. Also, to anyone wondering about the picture, both the art style and the way the quote is phrased are references to Tiny Titans
gotta love those little moments; they make life worthwhile. :)